The 5ft Firefighter

Katrina Mohr

This episode is a slight detour from our normally military-focused content into the world of wildland firefighting. Katrina Mohr was recently featured on Outside Online where she talked about her path into firefighting as well as the challenges of being a small woman in an extremely physically demanding job. There were some great insights there, so we invited her to join us for a conversation as well.

When we first reached out to Katrina she was hesitant to come on the podcast because she didn't feel qualified, but we think as you listen you'll find a lot of practical insights here that apply to anyone pursuing physical challenges, or big goals of any kind.

Her blog, The 5ft Firefighter, contains a wealth of resources for anyone looking to learn more about wildland firefighting, especially if they want to find out how to get into this kind of work. If the conversation we have here piques your interest, definitely go check it out to learn more!

Since recording this episode she's been advocating for the Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity Act. This bill would go a long way to helping these critical firefighters make a living wage. They currently make as little as $13.45 an hour, and that does NOT include times when they're on standby or even times when they're on assignment but not actively at the fire site.

You can find the fact sheet here and more information and testimonials here.

You can also find Katrina on Instagram here.


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